Posts about Fox Talk

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Ten Random (But Fascinating) Facts About Dogs and Domestication (Plus, Holiday Freebie!)

Have a junior science lover on your holiday shopping list? Here’s how to give them a special treat: Buy a copy of Fox Talk or Fuzzy Forensics from your favourite bookseller Email a copy of the receipt to Include ... Read More  

border collie

Talking to Your Dog Is Not as Crazy as You Think (Plus, Bonus Holiday Freebie!)

Have a junior science lover on your holiday shopping list? Here’s how to give them a special treat: Buy a copy of Fox Talk or Fuzzy Forensics from your favourite bookseller Email a copy of the receipt to Include ... Read More  

Lindsey presents to elementary students

I Survived Science Literacy Week… Mostly

It was Science Literacy Week last week, a Canada wide celebration of science and science books. *emerges from whirlwind* *plucks twigs from hair* *empties biscuit crumbs from pockets* *collapses in heap*   I visited one school and three branches ... Read More  

arctic fox in summer fur

10 Reasons Arctic Foxes Are the Coolest

If you’ve been here before, you probably know I love domesticated foxes (enough to write a book about them), but arctic foxes will always have a special place in my heart. One reason is that I spent 6 years ... Read More  

Lindsey wears a shirt with a fox on it

Fox Talk Joins Fox Appeal!

I am so pleased to announce that my book Fox Talk is now available to order through Fox Appeal! Fox Appeal is a clothing line inspired by Siberian domesticated foxes Boris and Sophia, so a partnership was a natural fit. This awesome ... Read More  

Lindsey Carmichael and a wolf hybrid

Animals Have Culture, Too

Behaviour is what you do, culture is how you do it. This is totally obvious in human cultures, which have rules and guidelines for every behaviour – from table manners to what we wear to how we greet each ... Read More  

National Geographic Extreme Explorer cover

Book Birthdays (And Mine, Too!)

It’s my birthday this week, and what better way to celebrate than with books? That I wrote. Heeheehee! But wait, there’s more!     And, as the frosting on the awesome cake…   My first article for National Geographic ... Read More  

How Do Video Games Work? by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Come Visit Me at Hal-Con!

I’ll be at Hal-Con for the next three days, signing books, talking about science writing, and wearing some seriously geeky T-Shirts. You can find me at table E9 on the exhibitor’s floor. In addition to launching my newest children’s ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics advertising

Sometimes the Data Mining Scares Me…

…because Google’s ad department knows that I was looking up my own books on B&N, which is more than I really want the faceless internet to know about me. I’m a writer, after all. Some of the things I google ... Read More  

wolf with castle in the background

Facepalms and Flights of Fantasy

Do you ever do a thing that causes you to seriously question your own intelligence? Last year I bought a 5-download subscription to Shutterstock, the stock photo site where I’d previously found many of the photos appearing in Fox Talk and ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Zao Fox Village in Japan

A Facebook friend brought this to my attention and it was just too cute not to share. I do have questions, though, like where the foxes came from in the first place. The Village doesn’t seem to have a website ... Read More  

arctic fox

Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics: Available to Purchase Once Again!

I’m happy to announce that Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics are once more available for purchase online, this time under my very own imprint, Alopex Editions! Alopex is from the Greek word for “fox.” It used to be the ... Read More  

Victoria Barks events

Bark in the Park! Come Visit Me At Victoria Barks

If you’re in the Halifax area today, bring your fuzzy friend to meet me at Victoria Barks! I’ll have doggie treats as well as copies of Fox Talk, my book about the science of domestication. I’d be happy to ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics Wins an INDIEFAB Award!

  Fuzzy Forensics won a Silver Medal in the 2014 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards!! Over 1500 books were submitted to the various categories, so I’m thrilled, to say the least. Unfortunately… The publisher of both Fuzzy Forensics and ... Read More  

border collie

New Research on Date of Dog Domestication

Some people hate the fact that scientists are always changing their minds about stuff. Eggs are healthy! Eggs are bad for you! No wait, not actually that bad after all! *facepalm* I have no problem with this kind of ... Read More  

Forensic Science: In Pursuit of Justice by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

It’s Book Signing Day!

I’m at Chapters in Dartmouth today, signing copies of Forensic Science, Fuzzy Forensics, and Fox Talk. If you’re in the vicinity, come on down between 12:00 and 2:00 pm and say hello! If you’re not, have a great weekend, and ... Read More  

Lindsey and Kelsey celebrate Fox Talk

You Want to Buy HOW Many Books? The Scam All Indie Authors Should Know About

Writing is one of the few professions that’s as much about dreams as business, and because our emotions and identity are inextricably tied to our work, writers are particularly vulnerable to predators – people who use our dreams to take advantage ... Read More  

thank you card

Foxes Go to School

This morning I had the pleasure of visiting Shatford Memorial Elementary, where I got to share my love of domestic foxes with the grade 3/4 and grade 5/6 classes. We rocked out to “What Does the Fox Say?” and ... Read More