Posts about Fox Talk

sleepy cat snuggles

Are House Cats Domesticated?

Turns out that there’s a difference between cats and dogs. Shocking, I know. 😀 Dogs, much like the foxes featured in my book Fox Talk, are domesticated. They’ve undergone an evolutionary process that had such a large genetic impact on ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

A Blitz of Book News

Hello poor neglected blog! I apologize for my spotty attendance – November is a crazy month for both my day job and my writing work, and I confess to having chosen sleep over the internet on several occasions. But ... Read More  

pool shark

Thank You, Sharknado, For Rekindling My Childhood Fear of Pool Sharks

Sharknado Week kicks off today, in honour of the sequel to a movie I still can’t believe got made in the first place. But it’s a bandwagon, and hey, I’m jumping on. I’m not sure I’ll be able to ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Victoria Barks – And So Do Foxes

Today is the Spring Garden Business Association’s 2nd Annual Victoria Barks: Dogs in the Park. If you’re in the Halifax area, bring your furry companion down to Victoria Park between 10-2 and take part in the fun. Doggy treat ... Read More  

Fox Talk in the wild

This Warms My Author Heart

Look closely at the bottom shelf – that’s Fox Talk, face out and beautiful. Thanks to Mermaid Tales in Tofino, which hosted me for a signing last year, for all of your support. And thank to Westerly News Editor ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

The Foxes Look Better With Bling

I am thrilled to announce that Fox Talk has won silver in the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards! *takes a victory lap around the office* The award ceremony was in New York, so I unfortunately couldn’t attend, but the lovely ... Read More  


Giveaway Winner!

I’m pleased to announce that Heather Burgess is the winner of the Children’s Book Week Giveaway! Heather’s receiving a ebook copy of Fox Talk and a copy of Fuzzy Forensics. Thanks so much to everyone who entered! In honour of ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Yippee, Hooray, and Wahoo!

Fox Talk has been shortlisted for the Benjamin Franklin Awards! *does a lap around the office, shrieking at top of lungs* When my publisher called to tell me, I was literally rendered speechless, something I don’t recall ever happening ... Read More  

Lindsey holding her book

Book Party!

Every year, the Nova Scotia Children’s Literature Roundtable hosts the New Book Bash, a group launch celebrating the year’s releases. Every author gets 5 minutes to talk up their new titles. I’ll be there presenting Gene Therapy, Living With ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

I Just Don’t Understand Why People Think I Like Foxes…

Three people shared this video with me on Facebook this week, and since I am sick right now, and most of my coherent thoughts are drowning in the sloshiness inside my sinuses, I’m passing it on. This fox is ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Click Bait, Science Style

  Some seriously cool stuff has been happening in the world of science lately, so instead of listening to me blather, check out some of these stories: Gene therapy restores sight in people with eye disease Found: A lost ... Read More  

Fox Talk book launch

Public Speaking: No Longer a Fate Worse Than Death

There’s a popular saying that people fear public speaking more than death. This claim is supported neither by statistics nor evolution (we’re hardwired to fear spiders and snakes and other critters that can kill us), but it feels true for ... Read More  

cover of Namesake

Amy’s Marathon of Books: Namesake, by Sue MacLeod

The Booke of Prayre is tiny, beautiful, and incredibly old. Jane Grey has no idea how it got mixed up with her library books. She reads a passage aloud and slips back in time to Tudor England. There, she comes face ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Speaking of Human Animal Communication….

….can anyone NOT guess exactly which word this penguin is using? Today’s the launch of the Fox Talk blog tour! Visit Mother Daughter Book Reviews for the launch post, and Books Direct for my first author interview. I ... Read More  

bathroom stall

The World’s Worst Superpower

If you could have any superpower, which one would you pick – speed, x-ray vision, telekinesis? I’ve got the power of invisibility, and I can tell you, it’s not what it’s cracked up to be. Probably because in my case, ... Read More  


The Dichotomous Key of Tea

It’s no secret that caffeine is a major food group for writers, and my favourite source is chocolate tea. The current contents of my tea cupboard:   organized in descending order of caffeine content, because the scientist in me ... Read More  

Lindsey getting crafty

Being A Girl – I Think I’m Doing it Wrong

From 1-4 this afternoon, I’m taking part in a “pet expert” event at Pet Valu and Groomingdales in Bedford, Nova Scotia, and rather than thinking about foxes and domestication, which I should be doing to prepare, I’ve spent all ... Read More  

Living With Scoliosis by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Coming This Year to a Bookstore Near You – Stuff I Wrote!

First – apologies for the weirdness over the previous week. Hackers hit the site December 29, but since the back end was working, I didn’t realize there was a problem until I tried to post Thursday. Fortunately, I had ... Read More