Posts about Fox Talk

book pages forming a heart

Amy’s Marathon of Books

A couple weeks ago I got an email from the Canadian Children’s Book Centre about Amy’s Marathon of Books. Inspired by Canadian icons Terry Fox and Rick Hansen, Amy plans to read 356 young adult books by Canadian authors ... Read More  

Beary Christmoose album cover

We Wish You a Beary Christmoose… and a Happy Reindeer!

Last week I talked about my enduring Christmasy love for the Muppets – today I want to share a lesser-known but equally-brilliant Christmas album: Beary Christmoose. I will never forget the day I discovered this Christmas fruitcake of a ... Read More  

bookstore shelves

The Final Piece of Evidence

So I’m browsing through the kid’s section at Chapters today, and I see a man, mid-thirties, staring at the shelves with the kind of panic I well remember from my former life as a bookmonger. Naturally, I eavesdropped: Salesperson: ... Read More  

John Denver and the Muppets album cover

Because It’s Not Christmas Without Muppets

We bought our Christmas tree last weekend, and it’s been standing around in its altogether ever since, as Tech Support was out of town. But Alfie’s about to get dressed up in his best, and so we’re blasting this ... Read More  

bath and body works collection

Is There a 12-Step Program for Bath and Body Works Addiction?

There are certain types of shops that I’m not allowed to enter unsupervised. Bookstores, of course – I have absolutely no resistance to shiny new books, despite the fact that I’ve got a year’s worth of unread tomes already ... Read More  

Fox Talk event listing

Book Launch Tomorrow!

If you’re in the Halifax area, it’s a PD day for the schools, so bring your kids! There will be snacks and a special guest dog to help me do communication demos. Should be a blast. Read More  

Object-choice experiment

Elephants Get the Point, Too

In Fox Talk, I describe experiments done on wolves and dogs and domestic foxes, to test their ability to understand human pointing gestures. Comparisons showed that dogs and foxes are better at using human body language, even without prior ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Fox Talk on TV!

Thanks so much to Crystal Garrett and the Global Morning News for inviting me to talk about foxes on the show! It was a lot of fun and over so quickly I didn’t have time to get nervous, which ... Read More  

arctic fox barking

No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

Domestic foxes would probably argue that in fact, they get free lunches all the time, but their cousins in the wild don’t have it so easy. Foxes in the wild not only have to find their own food, but ... Read More  

Monster Squad poster

Werewolves, Zombies, and Villains, Oh My!

Halloween is just a few days away, and I’ve got to admit, I’m a big-time party pooper this year. I won’t be decorating my house, even though I have access to a mannequin who has previously played witch, corpse, ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

What DOES the Fox Say?

At least three people have sent me this video, and since it’s been a long week full of jet lag and putting out fires, I figured I would share: In case you’re wondering, the fox says whine, pant, cackle, ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

The Internet = Embarrassing Oneself in Public

For everyone who went looking for the ebook edition of Fox Talk and couldn’t find it – first, thank you! Second, I am really sorry. The ebook was scheduled for release on October 5, but at the last minute, ... Read More  

domestic fox on a plane

Airplanes and the Eternal Question – Window or Aisle?

I love travel. I love exploring new places, eating new food, and meeting new people. I firmly believe that travel is the best means of broadening horizons, experiencing new ideas, and destroying preconceived and prejudicial notions that’s available to ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Fox Talk – Enhanced Ebook Now Available!

Very excited to announce that Fox Talk is now available as an enhanced ebook! The ebook preserves the artwork and design of the paper edition, but comes with cool special features: – pop-up glossary definitions in the main text ... Read More  

agents of shield

Things I Love About Joss Whedon: Agents of SHIELD Edition

I love Joss Whedon’s work. I’m one of those people who’s still outraged over the cancelation of Firefly, and laughs hysterically whenever there’s a Malcom Reynolds joke on Castle. I can never be Team Edward, because I will always ... Read More  

Signing at Blackberry Cove

Images from the Road: A Book Tour in Pictures

The Alberta and British Columbia segments of my Fox Talk book tour are complete, and I’d like to thank everyone who hosted, supported, and came out to meet me. It was a great experience and I can’t wait to ... Read More  

Domestic foxes playing

Domestic Foxes in Action!

My publisher created this lovely trailer for FOX TALK using video that Brian Dust (also known as “hubby” or, more often, “Tech Support”) shot while we visited Featuring Animals this past February. I’m the one wielding the SLR, but ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

The Book Tour Begins!

As I’ll be touring with FOX TALK for the next couple of weeks, a couple of announcements: Blog posts will go up as always, but it might take me a little longer to respond to comments. I’d still love ... Read More