Do you ever do a thing that causes you to seriously question your own intelligence?
Last year I bought a 5-download subscription to Shutterstock, the stock photo site where I’d previously found many of the photos appearing in Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics. I’d downloaded three and emailed myself a reminder that there were two left, so I wouldn’t forget. Only problem is, when an email sits in your inbox that long, you sort of stop seeing it…
Which is how I found myself frantically scanning for images that might conceivably be of use at some point so I could download them before my package expired.
And then a new email popped up in my inbox, gleefully informing me that my 5-download subscription had auto-renewed the instant I clicked “yes” on the second file.

The bear knows exactly how I felt.
I can’t even blame Shutterstock for this, since I really should have paid more attention to the settings on my account. Which means I’ve got 357 days to find uses for 5 more images that have already been charged to my credit card…. sigh.
For your viewing pleasure, here’s the picture that started it all! I liked it because it has two of my favourite things, wolves and fantasy.
Which brings me to my next point. My blog is two years old now, and I’ve decided to shake things up a little bit. Starting next week, Trust Me I’m a Doctor Saturdays will become Flights of Fantasy, covering all things fantastic and imaginative and giving me an excuse to geek out in new and exciting ways. Science geekery will continue to appear on Mad Scientist Mondays, leaving the remaining random hodgepodge of stuff I like to talk about for Anything Can Happen Thursdays. I hope you’ll enjoy!
What about you? Any facepalm-worthy moments in your life this week? Favourite fantasy book, movie, species or topic you want to dish about on the blog? I love hearing from you!