It was Science Literacy Week last week, a Canada wide celebration of science and science books.
*emerges from whirlwind*
*plucks twigs from hair*
*empties biscuit crumbs from pockets*
*collapses in heap*

Dancing to “What Does the Fox Say?”
I visited one school and three branches of the Halifax Public Libraries. Altogether, nearly 300 kids (and a few grown ups) helped me rock out to “What Does the Fox Say?”. Then, we compared videos of wild and domesticated foxes, and did a live human-animal communication experiment with special guest dogs from Therapeutic Paws of Canada.

Maiya demonstrates her preference for the right hand bowl, regardless of which one the junior scientist is pointing to!
It. Was. Awesome.
I got sick about three seconds later. Totally worth it.
*crawls back into bed*
Did you take in any events during Science Literacy Week, or read a fabulous science book? Share in the comments! And if you’re interested in domesticated foxes, check out my kids’ book, Fox Talk – all of the science, none of the ear worms!