Posts in Life, the Universe, and Everything

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Zao Fox Village in Japan

A Facebook friend brought this to my attention and it was just too cute not to share. I do have questions, though, like where the foxes came from in the first place. The Village doesn’t seem to have a website ... Read More  

the five dollar jar for budgeting

Budgeting Breakthrough – The Five Dollar Jar

Way back in December, Tech Support and I were talking about discretionary funds – the money we spend on: Starbucks, more books for the teetering TBR pile, jewelry that does not go with my writer’s uniform of nerdy T shirts and ... Read More  

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series

Series Strategies – In Real Time or Binge Later?

Now that the 14th and final volume of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series is out in paperback, I figured it was time to start reading them again. I got to book 7 or 8 when they came out, ... Read More  

sheltie puppy

Chimeras, Heterochromatism, and Halfsider Parakeets

Cool bird, right? I did some research on chimerism while working on Fuzzy Forensics and Forensic Science: In Pursuit of Justice. A couple of different kinds have been found in humans. The type described in the video, where two ... Read More  

bath and body works collection

Bath and Body Works: A Smell for All Seasons

My previous post about Bath and Body Works addiction is one of the most popular I’ve ever written – clearly there are a lot of people who find their combination of colours, scents, and sales irresistible! I am proud to ... Read More  

reflections of tree branches

Clearly, I Need a Least Weasel

Because OMG the cuteness. This one also clearly has a fine appreciation for Eeyore, so we’d get along very well. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?  Read More  

hiding from a T rex

So I Saw Jurassic World….

…and I have thoughts. The special effects are amazing, and I enjoyed the way the film pokes fun at theme parks everywhere – the splash zone at the mosasaur exhibit, the bored teenager running the gyroscope ride, the restaurants and shops ... Read More  

Sisters of the Traveling Chocolate Reunion

Lifespan of a Friendship: How To Tell When It’s Time to Let Go

My dad got transferred a lot when I was young, so as a kid, I knew that friendship was temporary – sooner or later, we’d move, and I’d never see those people again.* I think this is one of the reasons ... Read More  

arctic fox

Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics: Available to Purchase Once Again!

I’m happy to announce that Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics are once more available for purchase online, this time under my very own imprint, Alopex Editions! Alopex is from the Greek word for “fox.” It used to be the ... Read More  

Family of loons on a lake

Sci/Why: Ostrich Oddities and Fun Facts

Tech Support and I have lived in our current house for four years now. Every summer, we’ve watched (presumably) the same pair of loons swimming around on the lake out back, but we’ve never seen evidence of successful reproduction. We were ... Read More  

Victoria Barks events

Bark in the Park! Come Visit Me At Victoria Barks

If you’re in the Halifax area today, bring your fuzzy friend to meet me at Victoria Barks! I’ll have doggie treats as well as copies of Fox Talk, my book about the science of domestication. I’d be happy to ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics Wins an INDIEFAB Award!

  Fuzzy Forensics won a Silver Medal in the 2014 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards!! Over 1500 books were submitted to the various categories, so I’m thrilled, to say the least. Unfortunately… The publisher of both Fuzzy Forensics and ... Read More  

scallop salad

Sugar Status: Four Weeks Sucrose-Free

Apparently, it’s already been a month since I started my doctor-mandated quest to purge sugar (and dairy) from my diet. To my utter shock, it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I think part ... Read More  

black bear

Junior Scientist At Work

My honorary nephew (son of one of the SOTC) created this presentation on bears for his kindergarten class. It’s completely adorable, despite the one minor factual inaccuracy, which we’ll overlook because kindergarten. Bonus points if you can find the factual inaccuracy without ... Read More  

Dr Wu should know better

Mad Science in the Movies (Revisited)

I’ve been deep in writing mode today and my brain is all out of words, so I decided to bring back my most popular Mad Scientist Mondays post, about, fittingly, mad scientists. And thanks to Jurassic World, we can now ... Read More  

How Do Video Games Work? by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

A Whirlwind of Awesome

Kind of a lot has happened lately and from the looks of things, the rest of the summer will be busy too. Quick announcements today before I dive back into my newest science project. 1) In Halifax this weekend? ... Read More  

double facepalm meme

Proof That Even Brilliant Scientists Are Occasionally Boneheads

Hey, scientists are people, too. They’re just as vulnerable to bias and brain farts as the next guy or gal. But sometimes the boneheadery is so profound you really kind of wonder how they manage to tie their shoes in the morning. Case in ... Read More  

Jagular taking a nap

Tut, Tut, It Looks Like Rain

In fact, it is pouring. And since it’s Saturday and I’m feeling the after-exhaustion of a busy week, I’m thinking cat cuddles and movies, perhaps even The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, which is the widely-acknowledged mascot movie or rainy ... Read More