Posts in Life, the Universe, and Everything

sewing curtains

The Science (and Art) of Sun Fade

  I got to experience this first hand with the curtains in my basement. It’s a walkout, so there are a couple floor-to-ceiling windows shaded by the deck and a couple of half-sized windows that… aren’t. I experienced the ... Read More  

What Are Programs and Apps? by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

New Books, New Books!

One of the things I love most about writing kid’s books is having the chance to explore new topics. My next books, for beginning readers in grades K-2, were a big stretch for me, but a ton of fun ... Read More  

plotting a novel

First Novel Makes Its First Public Appearance

Short post today, because I’m preparing for this afternoon’s Alistair MacLeod Mentorship Reading. I haven’t talked about it on the blog much, but I’m writing my very first novel – a fantasy adventure for ages 10-14. And I was incredibly fortunate ... Read More  

harlequin duck

The Birds Are Back!

Definite sign that spring has arrived? The return of migratory birds. We’ve got woodpeckers in the trees, robins pecking at the ground, and two loons paddling around the lake out back. Also spotted this beauty and three of his ... Read More  

homemade granola

It’s a Process…

My first batch of homemade granola, since every commercial breakfast cereal seems to contain the now forbidden sugar… It has 1/2 cup honey spread over two cookie sheets. Tech Support said it needed more sugar (he’s not always as ... Read More  

border collie

New Research on Date of Dog Domestication

Some people hate the fact that scientists are always changing their minds about stuff. Eggs are healthy! Eggs are bad for you! No wait, not actually that bad after all! *facepalm* I have no problem with this kind of ... Read More  

foods containing sugar

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow: In Which I Say Goodbye to Sugar… Forever

If you’ve been hanging around this blog for a while, you’ll know that I: a) have a major sweet tooth b) have a lot of food allergies, both anaphylactic and digestive. The list includes gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, nuts, ... Read More  

Sisters of the Traveling Chocolate Reunion

Things I Did on My (Almost) Summer Vacation

What have you been up to lately? 🙂 I love hearing from you so share in the comments. Read More  

The author's grandfather reads her book

100% of the Author’s Grandfathers Agree That Forensic Science is the Best

I’m still on the road but hope to resume regular posting next week. See you soon! Read More  

scraping snow in spring

Welcome to Spring in Alberta

It’s a good thing my Alberta-based Sister of the Traveling Chocolate finished that swanky new hat the night before it did this, as I did not come prepared for winter… How’s the weather where you live? Read More  

a candle for writer's block

I May Have Just Died and Gone to Retail Heaven

…because I’ve just discovered a couple of great gifty websites. Have an author or other breed of book nut in your family? Buy them something from The Literary Gift Company. And for the university student, professor, or science geek? ... Read More  

cat snuggles

That Thing Parents Do That Everyone Hates (Especially Their Kids)

By which I mean publicly discussing their kids’ bathroom habits as if said habits were as fascinating and hilarious as, say, watching Tech Support trying to unstick the jammed spatula in the utensil drawer without resorting to bad language. But at the risk ... Read More  

Humpback Whale Migration by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Grey Whale Sets New Mammal Migration Record

A grey whale named Vavara has just set a new migration record – she traveled from Russia to Mexico and back in 172 days, a total distance of 13,988 miles (22,511 km). A humpback whale was the previous record holder, ... Read More  

feeling sick

I Have No Idea What Happened to the Last Two Weeks

Actually, that’s totally untrue. I know exactly what happened. 1) I had company 2) I finished the first draft of my novel 3) I spent a full day talking about forensics at a local junior/senior high 4) I researched ... Read More  

cable retrieving tool

Mad MacGyver Monday

Fellow children of the 80s, do you remember MacGyver? For anyone who doesn’t, MacGyver was about a scientist who routinely saved the world by (for example), diffusing bombs with nothing but some duct tape and a peanut M&M. I ... Read More  


Children’s Books, Censorship, and the Clean Reader App

A lot of authors who are smarter than I am have written some brilliant protests against the newly-launched Clean Reader – an app that replaces “naughty language” in books with “less objectionable” words and phrases. Introductions to the debate ... Read More  

kitchen utensils

“Can’t Believe It’s Vegan and Gluten Free” Pumpkin Orange Cake

I’m not actually vegan, but I’m allergic to dairy and eggs as well as gluten, which makes baking a significant challenge. This pumpkin orange cake turned out so well, though, I had to share. Sadly, I have no photograph – ... Read More