Posts in Cantastic Authorpalooza

Sylvia McNicholl teaches a writing workshop

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Sylvia McNicholl

Sometimes I find it’s hard to stop being angry with yourself when you make a stupid mistake. Berating yourself then leads to a feeling of inadequacy which can easily morph into anxiety and a lack of confidence to try ... Read More  

Melanie Gall in concert

Cantastic Authorpalooza – Melanie Gall Reflects on L. M. Montgomery

Welcome to Cantastic Authorpalooza, featuring posts by great Canadian children's writers! Today, something a little different - my friend, author, actress, singer, knitter, and all-around-amazing-talent Melanie Gall, discusses one of our favourite books, by legendary Canadian author L. M. ... Read More  

shoreline by Jean Mills

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Jean Mills

Warning, readers: I’m not a science writer. But like any scientist, I do incorporate research findings (of a sort) into my stories. Here’s one example that’s especially true of my most recent YA novel, Larkin on the Shore. When stories ... Read More  

cover of How Emily Saved the Bridge, by Frieda Wishinsky

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Frieda Wishinsky

A poet and illustrator once said to me, “Why don’t you stick to one kind of writing? You’re all over the place. You should write one kind of book and brand yourself.” It’s true. I write in many genres— picture ... Read More  

Ghost's Journey by Robin Stevenson

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Robin Stevenson

Back in 2015, I became involved in refugee sponsorship when I joined a group sponsoring a Syrian family with four small kids. It was a great experience. In fact, this first sponsorship led me to start three more sponsorship ... Read More  

Triceratops Stomp by Karen Patkau

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Karen Patkau

A plaster cast of an embryo fossil and three eggs circulated around the room. Dr. David Evans, a paleontologist at the Royal Ontario Museum, described his remarkable find: a dinosaur nursery where he found dinosaur eggs! Read More  

cover of Half Brother

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Kenneth Oppel

Half Brother deals with a lot of the same questions that came up while I was researching Fox Talk. What are the most ethical ways to study and learn from animals? What responsibilities do scientists have towards the animals they include ... Read More  

Ishta Mercurio

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Ishta Mercurio

I wrote the first draft of SMALL WORLD in 2011. When I tell people that, they always pause. I can see the gears working in their minds: am I THAT BAD at this writing thing? Read More  

Push Back by Karen Spafford-Fitz

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Karen Spafford-Fitz

Even before I sent away my very first query package, I’d heard stories about the long, torturous waits for a response from publishers, and about the demoralizing form-style rejection letters one might expect. So I was not surprised when ... Read More