Posts in Life, the Universe, and Everything

cover of The Boreal Forest by L. E. Carmichael

Red Cedar Nomination and a New Presentation!

The Boreal Forest has been nominated for a Red Cedar Award! The Red Cedars are British Columbia's children's choice awards, and I am SO EXCITED to know that kids across British Columbia will be reading my book this school ... Read More  

double facepalm meme

It Turns Out I Am Bad at Vacation

First things first: I am now fully vaxxed - woohooo! - and even though the second dose knocked me flat, I am intensely grateful for it, because next week I get to see my (also vaxxed) Dad and Not-So-Evil-Stepmother ... Read More  

Fox Cousteau joins Team Pfizer

A Desperately Needed Vacation

So, how's everyone doing out there? Frustrated? Exhausted? Burnt out? Yeah. Me too. I've been trying to figure out why I'm so tired - usually after I realize I've been staring into the middle distance for an unknown number of minutes ... Read More  


What Three Things Make You Truly Happy?

It's mid-December, and you know what that means: New Year's Resolutions are just around the corner.  I'll be honest. I've never found classic resolutions particularly helpful. In fact, they're more likely to produce feelings of guilt and inadequacy than happiness ... Read More  

The Boreal Forest of Reading!

YOU GUYS. The Boreal Forest has been nominated for a YELLOW CEDAR AWARD in the FOREST OF READING. If you're not familiar, the Forest of Reading is the largest recreational reading program in Canada. Kids across the country can register ... Read More  

reflections of tree branches

COVID Check In – How’s It Going Out There?

It's been almost six months since the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Since then, the world's turned upside down... and as much as we'd all like to think that things will "go back to normal," I think the ... Read More  

Cats taking a nap together

A Long Winter’s Nap

As the holiday season kicks into high gear, we're going to take a brief hiatus here on ye olde blog. The blog-mistress is in dire need of a nap, and she's willing to bet a lot of you are, ... Read More  

scraping snow in spring

April Showers Indeed

It's a grey, rainy Friday and I'm seriously tempted to go back to bed until spring shows up. I'm also feeling very grateful that I live in an area that is not seriously affected by flooding, and a great ... Read More  

Pandemic board game

Pandemic is Life: What a Board Game Taught Me About Success

  Tech Support and I have been playing Pandemic for a couple years now, ever since good friends of ours introduced us to the game. The dreadful diseases we combat include sniffilis, syphilherpetitis, zombiebomb, and gout (don’t ask me, ... Read More  

Sue the T-Rex

Move Over, SUE, There’s a New T. Rex in Town

Of all the dinosaurs in all the world, SUE the T. rex might be the most famous. The most complete T. rex skeleton ever found, SUE is likely also the most well-traveled. Her bones, or at least casts of ... Read More  

Fox Cousteau gets crafty

What a Week!

  Sometimes there are weeks where you work 8 hours a day every day and feel like you didn’t accomplish a single thing. This was not one of those weeks. This was one of those weeks when the stars ... Read More  

Aquaman movie poster

Thoughts on Returning from Aquaman

Scene: Lindsey and Tech Support driving home after seeing Aquaman Lindsey: I want my very own angry seahorse. Tech Support: I thought you wanted a bioluminescent octopus to play the drums for you. Lindsey: Yes. To play the drums ... Read More  

living room filled with moving boxes

Tidying Secrets I Did Not Learn From Marie Kondo

  Like most people with a social media account, I’ve been exposed to a lot of Marie Kondo over the last couple of weeks. Since a high proportion of my online friends are either writers or avid readers, a ... Read More  

Lindsey presents on forensic science

Why I’ll (Probably) Never Write a “Real” Book

  “So when are you going to write a real book?” Children’s writers in my audience are probably groaning right now, because this is a question we’ve all been asked at least once. Most of us come back with ... Read More  

Fox Cousteau and his emotional support unicorn

Happy… Middle of January

2019, huh. So far, gotta say, not lovin’ it. To be fair, it’s been an especially challenging two weeks. We opened the year with a funeral for Tech Support’s mother, a wonderful woman who is already deeply missed. Air ... Read More  


A Sleighful of Science About Reindeer

No matter which winter holiday you celebrate, I wish you the very best of the season. For those raised in the Santa Claus tradition, here are some festive facts about reindeer! 1) Reindeer and caribou are the same species, Rangifer ... Read More  

bath and body works collection

How You Can Tell It’s the Holiday Season at My House

I switched from “all season” Bath and Body Works products to Twisted Peppermint, which smells exactly like candy canes and is therefore just plain weird at other times of the year. I’ve also been listening to John Denver and The ... Read More  

Lindsey as a demon

Halloween: The Rise of the Chocolate Mafia

Ah, Halloween. When I was a kid, it meant three things: 1) Trying to come up with a costume that would fit OVER my parka, because it’s cold in southern Alberta after dark at the end of October. One ... Read More