Posts in Life, the Universe, and Everything

deep snow on a deck

So Apparently Storm Chips are a Thing

I grew up in Alberta and spent several formative years in Yellowknife, NWT. In Alberta, cities don’t bother plowing residential streets until the ruts are so deep you risk high-centering in the compacted snow, ice, and gravel* between them. In Yellowknife, you ... Read More  

Annie movie poster (2014)

Five Reasons the New Annie Movie is a Brilliant Idea, and One Reason I Still Won’t Watch It

We don’t have cable (just DVDs) and we rarely go to the theatre, so I tend to be a bit out of the loop when it comes to new movies. Which might be why I’ve only recently heard about ... Read More  

Greg Sanders in the CSI lab

The CSI Effect: Forensic Fact and Fiction

TV scientists have it so much easier than the ones working cases in the real world. They have unlimited budgets to buy all the shiniest new toys. They dress in designer clothes that never seem to get dirty, despite the ... Read More  

reflections of tree branches

Happy Inspire Your Heart With Art Day!

Among other things, including National Hot Chocolate Day and Eat Brussels Sprouts Day (a juxtaposition so full of irony I can’t even stand it), January 31 is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day. Some say the thing that separates ... Read More  

reflections of tree branches

Epoxy: Not the Cure For Everything After All

So it turns out that while epoxy is a great choice for DIY nail repair (no further snagging to report!), you should really think twice before using it on priceless ancient artifacts… …like the burial mask of King Tut, ... Read More  

thank you card

Foxes Go to School

This morning I had the pleasure of visiting Shatford Memorial Elementary, where I got to share my love of domestic foxes with the grade 3/4 and grade 5/6 classes. We rocked out to “What Does the Fox Say?” and ... Read More  

cat in a window

Apparently It’s a Cat-Themed Week

I’m inputing a year’s worth of receipts into my expenses file as tax season prep today, and this was exactly what I needed to shake me out of my spreadsheet-induced despair. May it also bring you joy this weekend! ... Read More  

cat on papers

Cats, Again, But Mine This Time

I think there is some kind of unspoken rule about writers and their cats, because an unusually high proportion of us seem to have them. Which means, at least in my case, sharing our workspaces with furry little dictators. ... Read More  

Living with Obesity by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fed Up: And Figuring Out What to Do About It

Tech Support and I watched Fed Up recently. It was a lot like the first time we watched Super Size Me ten years ago – two hours of horror and outrage at the way food is processed, packaged, and marketed… and ... Read More  

reflections of tree branches

A Good Way to Lose an Hour to the Internet

I’m probably a bit behind the curve, but I just discovered this cool (read: incredibly nerdy) online game called Knoword. The program gives you the definition and the first letter and you have to type in the word. With ... Read More  

sleepy cat snuggles

Are House Cats Domesticated?

Turns out that there’s a difference between cats and dogs. Shocking, I know. 😀 Dogs, much like the foxes featured in my book Fox Talk, are domesticated. They’ve undergone an evolutionary process that had such a large genetic impact on ... Read More  

Five Ways to Make More Awesome This Year

People often tell me they’re amazed by how organized and focused I am, which I find hilariously ironic, because this was my desk* before I left for my Christmas vacation: I am a duck, people – calm on the surface, going ... Read More  

repaired nail

The Total Clutz’s Guide to DIY Nail Repair

I don’t know about you, but when I’m reading a good book, I don’t want to put it down even while getting dressed in the morning. Which is how I ended up pulling on pants while standing way too ... Read More  


I’m Back!

So this is what I did for Christmas: As you can see, the water in the Dominican Republic was considerably warmer than that in Iceland, the site of my last snorkel adventure: I’ve been off work for a while ... Read More  

Merry Christmas from cats

A Holiday From Technology

I’m sorry to say that 2014 has totally kicked my tush, and I am beat. In hopes of actually getting some rest this holiday season, I’m stepping away from my computer for a little while. I need to recharge ... Read More  

cat napping in laundry basket

One Lovely Blog Tour

Writer-friend Janet Givens has tagged me to take part in the One Lovely Blog Tour. Here are the rules: 1) Thank and tag the person who nominated you (thanks, Janet!). 2) Share seven things about yourself. 3) Nominate the ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Book News – The Aftermath

Wow, last week, just wow. Between getting up at odd hours to appear on TV and staying up late for writer’s meetings, not to mention the courier misplacing my books not one but several times, causing the nail-biting question of ... Read More  

Doc Brown

Neuroplasticity – Can We Upgrade Our Brains?

Tech Support came back from a work trip recently, excited about a documentary he’d watched on the airplane.* It’s an Australian production called Redesign My Brain, and if you can find all three episodes, it is well worth a watch. The ... Read More