Posts in Life, the Universe, and Everything

Information Ninja water bottle

My Superhero Name is Information Ninja

As you may have guessed from Monday’s post about my completely ice-free fundraiser for ALS research, I am home from my book tour! I’m now in that weird state of lingering jet lag and general exhaustion where I can ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics has Arrived in Lethbridge!

The book tour continues, with two events left to go. Both of these are on Tuesday August 19: Signing – Chapters Lethbridge – 1-4 pm Writing Workshop (adults) – Lethbridge Public Library – 7-8:30 pm Thanks to the Lethbridge ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Report from the Road

The Fuzzy Forensics book tour is going really well so far! I will have more pictures and stories to share once I’m home and have a chance to breath, but for now, you can watch me extract DNA on ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics book tour dates

Fuzzy Forensics Blasts Off in Ten, Nine, Eight…

I’m about to leave on tour, so the blog with be a bit quiet for the next week or so. I’m hoping to share some photos from the road while I’m away, however – stay tuned for (sporadic) updates! ... Read More  

bats emerging after dark

So The Thing About Bats Is…

…they don’t come out until it’s dark. Which is why this picture is so lousy – there is not a big enough ISO in the world to capture quickly-moving objects after nightfall. What you’re looking at is the evening ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics book tour dates

All My Friends Are On The Road Again

The Fuzzy Forensics book tour launches is less than a week and I’m up to my eyeballs in last-minute details, so today’s post will be a brief tribute to a friend of mine who’s also touring Canada this summer, ... Read More  

cat stretching

It’s Been A Brain-Melting Kind of Day….

…so I give you funny video: Thanks to Kristen Lamb for the link! What thing does YOUR pet do that would be creepy if you tried it? Read More  

pool shark

Thank You, Sharknado, For Rekindling My Childhood Fear of Pool Sharks

Sharknado Week kicks off today, in honour of the sequel to a movie I still can’t believe got made in the first place. But it’s a bandwagon, and hey, I’m jumping on. I’m not sure I’ll be able to ... Read More  

Miracle Max, The Princess Bride

First Blogiversary!

My blog is a year old this week! To celebrate, I dived into my WordPress stats and discovered a list of the ten most popular posts I’ve ever written. Excepting the ones that included contests which are now over, here they ... Read More  

Traveling Wilburies album cover

Making the Miles Fly: Music for Road Trips

I have a lot of American relatives, and when I was a kid, we couldn’t often afford four plane tickets to go visit them. As a result, we took a lot of road trips. Before each one, my mom would spend ... Read More  

Plain Kate by Erin Bow

Amy’s Marathon of Books: Plain Kate, by Erin Bow

Plain Kate lives in a world of magic and curses, where cats can talk and shadows can bring back the dead. As the wood-carver’s daughter, Kate held a carving knife before a spoon, and her wooden talismans seem to ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Victoria Barks – And So Do Foxes

Today is the Spring Garden Business Association’s 2nd Annual Victoria Barks: Dogs in the Park. If you’re in the Halifax area, bring your furry companion down to Victoria Park between 10-2 and take part in the fun. Doggy treat ... Read More  

horse teeth

Reason I Love My Husband, #38

Me: So I have a question. Tech Support: Why is “trot” a speed but “the trots” something else entirely? Me: *falls over helplessly giggling like an 8-year-old* (Ironically, my question did in fact relate to horses, but that wasn’t it!) ... Read More  

Gene Therapy by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Gene Therapy Research Gets Stamp of Approval

In it’s simplest form, gene therapy involves replacing disease-causing variants of genes with healthy ones, in order to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of the condition. “Simple” in this context is extremely deceptive, however, as the process is extremely complex and ... Read More  

Tim Hortons sign

Adventures with Arthur

Arthur, now a tropical storm, has reached the Maritimes. We’re just catching the edge of it in Halifax, but are thinking good thoughts for New Brunswick and PEI, not to mention everyone in the USA who have born the ... Read More  

Fox Talk in the wild

This Warms My Author Heart

Look closely at the bottom shelf – that’s Fox Talk, face out and beautiful. Thanks to Mermaid Tales in Tofino, which hosted me for a signing last year, for all of your support. And thank to Westerly News Editor ... Read More  

snorkeling in Iceland

Snorkelling Between the Continents

So this is what I was doing last week – snorkelling in Iceland’s Silfra fissure, which runs through a lava field in the place where the North American and European tectonic plates are pulling apart at a rate of 1-3 cm (~1 ... Read More  

Hybrid and Electric Vehicles by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Speaking of the Third Wheel…

Before I wrote Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, everything I knew about cars came from watching episodes of Top Gear. From there “who thought this was a good idea in the first place” files, I give you the Reliant Robin, ... Read More