Posts about Fuzzy Forensics

sheltie puppy

Chimeras, Heterochromatism, and Halfsider Parakeets

Cool bird, right? I did some research on chimerism while working on Fuzzy Forensics and Forensic Science: In Pursuit of Justice. A couple of different kinds have been found in humans. The type described in the video, where two ... Read More  

arctic fox

Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics: Available to Purchase Once Again!

I’m happy to announce that Fox Talk and Fuzzy Forensics are once more available for purchase online, this time under my very own imprint, Alopex Editions! Alopex is from the Greek word for “fox.” It used to be the ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics Wins an INDIEFAB Award!

  Fuzzy Forensics won a Silver Medal in the 2014 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards!! Over 1500 books were submitted to the various categories, so I’m thrilled, to say the least. Unfortunately… The publisher of both Fuzzy Forensics and ... Read More  

Forensic Science: In Pursuit of Justice by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

It’s Book Signing Day!

I’m at Chapters in Dartmouth today, signing copies of Forensic Science, Fuzzy Forensics, and Fox Talk. If you’re in the vicinity, come on down between 12:00 and 2:00 pm and say hello! If you’re not, have a great weekend, and ... Read More  

Lindsey and Kelsey celebrate Fox Talk

You Want to Buy HOW Many Books? The Scam All Indie Authors Should Know About

Writing is one of the few professions that’s as much about dreams as business, and because our emotions and identity are inextricably tied to our work, writers are particularly vulnerable to predators – people who use our dreams to take advantage ... Read More  

Spring Break Into Science Party

Spring Break Into Science is Today!

Come hang with me and my author friends on Facebook today! Fun science, book talk, and a chance to win great prizes. The event is public, so no “friending” is necessary. See you there! Read More  

smuggled lizards

Forensics February: The Lizards in the Luggage

Have you ever watched Border Security? I’ve seen the Canadian and Australian editions and there may be more. They’re reality TV shows that take you inside customs and border checkpoints at airports and post offices, and if you can ... Read More  

Forensic Science: In Pursuit of Justice by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Forensics February: Forensic Pathologists Discover the Wound That Killed a King

The audio isn’t the greatest in this clip, but it’s fascinating all the same – it captures the moment when British forensic pathologists discovered the wound that killed Richard III. As anyone with even a vague interest in pop ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Book News – The Aftermath

Wow, last week, just wow. Between getting up at odd hours to appear on TV and staying up late for writer’s meetings, not to mention the courier misplacing my books not one but several times, causing the nail-biting question of ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

A Blitz of Book News

Hello poor neglected blog! I apologize for my spotty attendance – November is a crazy month for both my day job and my writing work, and I confess to having chosen sleep over the internet on several occasions. But ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Win a Kindle Fire Kid’s Edition – Just in Time for Christmas

Halloween is over, which means Christmas is coming a whole lot faster than I’d like to think. Fortunately, Mother Daughter Book Reviews is more organized than I am, and has organized a blog tour that includes a great prize – ... Read More  

Kathy Reichs promotes Fuzzy Forensics

Book News and Serious Fangirling

Big news today! 1) Amazing Feats of Civil Engineering is now available for purchase! Because it’s intended for the educational market, your local independent may not have it in stock, but you can order through Amazon and the publisher. 2) Another ... Read More  

Information Ninja water bottle

My Superhero Name is Information Ninja

As you may have guessed from Monday’s post about my completely ice-free fundraiser for ALS research, I am home from my book tour! I’m now in that weird state of lingering jet lag and general exhaustion where I can ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics has Arrived in Lethbridge!

The book tour continues, with two events left to go. Both of these are on Tuesday August 19: Signing – Chapters Lethbridge – 1-4 pm Writing Workshop (adults) – Lethbridge Public Library – 7-8:30 pm Thanks to the Lethbridge ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Report from the Road

The Fuzzy Forensics book tour is going really well so far! I will have more pictures and stories to share once I’m home and have a chance to breath, but for now, you can watch me extract DNA on ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics book tour dates

Fuzzy Forensics Blasts Off in Ten, Nine, Eight…

I’m about to leave on tour, so the blog with be a bit quiet for the next week or so. I’m hoping to share some photos from the road while I’m away, however – stay tuned for (sporadic) updates! ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics book tour dates

All My Friends Are On The Road Again

The Fuzzy Forensics book tour launches is less than a week and I’m up to my eyeballs in last-minute details, so today’s post will be a brief tribute to a friend of mine who’s also touring Canada this summer, ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

The Foxes Look Better With Bling

I am thrilled to announce that Fox Talk has won silver in the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards! *takes a victory lap around the office* The award ceremony was in New York, so I unfortunately couldn’t attend, but the lovely ... Read More