Posts about Fuzzy Forensics


Giveaway Winner!

I’m pleased to announce that Heather Burgess is the winner of the Children’s Book Week Giveaway! Heather’s receiving a ebook copy of Fox Talk and a copy of Fuzzy Forensics. Thanks so much to everyone who entered! In honour of ... Read More  

children's book week banner

Children’s Book Week Giveaway Hop!

  It’s TD Children’s Book Week in Canada, which means Canadian authors, illustrators, and storytellers are touring the country, sharing their work in schools and libraries and anywhere else kids hang out. I still remember the day Sheree Fitch ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics Has a Book Trailer!

And it is awesome. I take no credit for this – Mary Dunford at Ashby-BP Publishing is the responsible party. Check it out and if you’re so inspired, spread it around! Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics Has a Cover!

And it’s so pretty! This is the work of Michael Penman, who also designed Fox Talk. I can’t recommend him highly enough – he’s not only talented, but a pleasure to work with. My contribution was locating just the ... Read More  

Living With Scoliosis by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Coming This Year to a Bookstore Near You – Stuff I Wrote!

First – apologies for the weirdness over the previous week. Hackers hit the site December 29, but since the back end was working, I didn’t realize there was a problem until I tried to post Thursday. Fortunately, I had ... Read More