Posts about domestication

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Ten Random (But Fascinating) Facts About Dogs and Domestication (Plus, Holiday Freebie!)

Have a junior science lover on your holiday shopping list? Here’s how to give them a special treat: Buy a copy of Fox Talk or Fuzzy Forensics from your favourite bookseller Email a copy of the receipt to Include ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Zao Fox Village in Japan

A Facebook friend brought this to my attention and it was just too cute not to share. I do have questions, though, like where the foxes came from in the first place. The Village doesn’t seem to have a website ... Read More  

border collie

New Research on Date of Dog Domestication

Some people hate the fact that scientists are always changing their minds about stuff. Eggs are healthy! Eggs are bad for you! No wait, not actually that bad after all! *facepalm* I have no problem with this kind of ... Read More  

thank you card

Foxes Go to School

This morning I had the pleasure of visiting Shatford Memorial Elementary, where I got to share my love of domestic foxes with the grade 3/4 and grade 5/6 classes. We rocked out to “What Does the Fox Say?” and ... Read More  

sleepy cat snuggles

Are House Cats Domesticated?

Turns out that there’s a difference between cats and dogs. Shocking, I know. 😀 Dogs, much like the foxes featured in my book Fox Talk, are domesticated. They’ve undergone an evolutionary process that had such a large genetic impact on ... Read More  

Fox Talk: How Some Very Special Animals Helped Scientists Understand Communication by LE Carmichael Book Cover

Fox Talk on TV!

Thanks so much to Crystal Garrett and the Global Morning News for inviting me to talk about foxes on the show! It was a lot of fun and over so quickly I didn’t have time to get nervous, which ... Read More  


Ten Random (But Fascinating) Facts About Dogs and Domestication

1. Dogs were the first domestic animal species. Unambiguous archaeological evidence for dogs is about 12,000 years old, but domestication may have started 20,000 years or more before that. 2. Ancient Egyptians had at least three dog breeds: a ... Read More  

Domestic fox cubs on couch

Talk About FOX TALK Contest

Have you ever noticed that domestic animals share physical characteristics with each other, but not with their wild ancestors? Floppy ears, for instance. Elephants are the only wild species with floppy ears, but they occur in breeds of dog, ... Read More