Well, it’s that time of year again. The time when proud kindergardeners and tearful parents say goodbye. The time of new clothes and annual teeth cleanings, and mattresses piled up outside of college dorms.
The time when my schedule goes from “I got this” to “flat out hair on fire what the heck just happened” in approximately 3 seconds.
I work at a university writing centre, helping students master effective communication. A lot of it is one-on-one, but I also spend a lot of time visiting classes to talk about good writing. Between the September frenzy at work and the unusually high number of author appearances I’ve got booked this year, I have, not kidding, 15 presentations in the next two weeks.
And I think I’m catching Tech Support’s cold.
If you don’t hear from me for a while, send the big dogs with the barrels, OK?
Is it back to school time in your house? A sad season, or, as Staples would have us believe, the most wonderful time of the year?
I HATE back-to-school season. It’s depressing, even though I’m not in school anymore. I think it will be depressing forever – it just shows how I felt about school as a child, I guess.
In many ways, back to school season is an ending – I don’t like the fact that I have so much less freedom to go outside when the sun is shining (a thing I’m very bad about doing even in the summer). And I know that days are getting shorter and the weather worse, two other things I do not enjoy…. Sigh.