Happy Chocolate Monday, Everyone!

April 21, 2014

My family is not particularly religious, so when I was a kid, Easter was more about presents than prayer. My brother and I looked forward to getting new books to read and never quite figured out why my grandparents always sent us pajamas.

The highlight, however, was the chocolate. And not just on the day. When it was the end of May and we stumbled on that one chocolate egg that had been overlooked during the hunt, it was celebration time all over again.

Mmmm.... Lindt bunnies....

Mmmm…. Lindt bunnies….

Now that I’m an adult, I celebrate Easter two ways:

1) By listening to the soundtrack of Jesus Christ Superstar (in the version I’ve got, King Herod is played by Alice Cooper. Although this one, by the Muppets, makes me happy in ways I can’t even describe).

2) Buying discount chocolate on Easter Monday.

So happy Chocolate Monday to all of my secularly-minded friends! And Happy Easter to all, no matter how you celebrate.

Do you celebrate Easter? What’s your favourite childhood memory of this time of year?

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