The Talk About Fox Talk Contest ends at 12:01 AM tomorrow – comment now to enter! For commenting inspiration, I offer adorableness:
And also this question:
If you could have any wild creature as a pet, what would it be, and why?
The Talk About Fox Talk Contest ends at 12:01 AM tomorrow – comment now to enter! For commenting inspiration, I offer adorableness:
And also this question:
If you could have any wild creature as a pet, what would it be, and why?
I think if I could have a wild animal as a pet I would choose a polar bear. Our family has always loved polar bears, and my brother adopted one through the animal awareness foundation.
A polar bear would be awesome! Although hard to feed and clean up after…
Ever since we heard about domesticated foxes from a NatGeo article, a fox is high on the list. Not too big, not too small, and completely adorable!