Posts about YA

Cover of Iz the Apocalypse by Susan Currie

Susan Currie: Perseverance and Iz the Apocalypse

Iz the Apocalypse took me seven years to write. I’ve honestly lost count of how many versions there were. Characters and storylines came and went as I fought to figure out exactly how to tell Iz’s story. My husband ... Read More  

Focus. Click. Wind by Amanda West Lewis

Amanda West Lewis: Historical Fiction as Time Traveling

People who write historical fiction generally love research. We have a reverence for minutiae and often find ourselves spending many hours reading about things that have nothing whatsoever to do with our stories. We love the hunt and the ... Read More  

What the Dog Knows by Sylvia McNicoll

Sylvia McNicoll: What the Author, Now, Knows

For all the dogs I’ve known in my life, I wrote What the Dog Knows. Such a slow and pleasureful project; it took nearly ten years of revising the story and evolving the characters. No one rushed me, I ... Read More  

cover of He Must Like You, by Danielle Younge-Ullman

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Danielle Younge-Ullman

The idea for my teen novel, HE MUST LIKE YOU, which comes out on July 14, arrived in a kind of backwards manner. Let me explain: about a year before the #metoo movement took off, there was a high ... Read More