Posts about what I did on my summer vacation

double facepalm meme

It Turns Out I Am Bad at Vacation

First things first: I am now fully vaxxed - woohooo! - and even though the second dose knocked me flat, I am intensely grateful for it, because next week I get to see my (also vaxxed) Dad and Not-So-Evil-Stepmother ... Read More  

Lindsey Carmichael and her grandmother

What I Did on My Summer “Vacation”

Presented at a library conference (librarians rock!). Did two school visits (kids rock, too!). Attended the AGM of the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia. Talked to a university student doing research on literature and Canadian identity. Sold books at ... Read More  

Sisters of the Traveling Chocolate Reunion

Things I Did on My (Almost) Summer Vacation

What have you been up to lately? 🙂 I love hearing from you so share in the comments. Read More