Not technically a boy band, but still awesome
I have a theory that I can pinpoint the decade of your teen years by the boy band whose lyrics you still remember.
1960s – The Monkees
1970s – The Jackson 5
1980s – New Kids on the Block (which I never actually listened to, being the weird kid who liked the Bee Gees, but whom certain other unnamed members of my family had posters of)
And then came the 90s with dueling boy bands N’SYNC and Backstreet Boys. Whose albums my MOTHER asked me to buy for her one Christmas. I vividly remember standing in A&B Sound, an actual CD store which is long since out of business, trying to tell the difference between them and reflecting on the irony of the entire situation (because I was still listening to the Bee Gees).
The best part, though? The album I picked out for her didn’t have the song she wanted on it. A couple of months later we were driving somewhere together and it came on the radio and she yelled, “That’s it!” And then I burst out laughing and had to explain to her that she already had that song at home. On vinyl. Because it was “The Longest Time” by Billy Joel.
Good times. 😀
I don’t think I actually have a point here, it’s just that yesterday I was driving and discovered the new Billy Joel station on Sirius and happy Mom memories are things I like to share with others, since I can’t share them with her any more.
What about you? Which boy band defined your childhood? Do you pretend you were too cool for boy bands, while still secretly singing along with the car radio? Confess in the comments!