Stuff Tech Support and I Talk About

November 23, 2015

Last week I fought a battle with a stuck drawer, and though I won, I came away with a nasty scrape that is taking its sweet time to heal. This morning Tech Support suggested that I rub an old silver quarter on it, which makes sense, as silver has known antimicrobial properties.

Since we also know that money is one of the most bacteria-infested objects in the human ecosystem, this led to a lengthy discussion over whether old silver and copper coins have fewer microbes on them than modern coins, and whether anyone’s done the research to find out.

This led to Googling. I found a promising article – from 1921! – and several sites of questionable accuracy. And then I had to stop because it’s Monday and I have to get some actual work done at some point.

In other news, it’s Tech Support’s birthday today, and his Movember moustache is coming along nicely. He says he’s aiming for “Hell’s Angel.”

Do you wash your hands after touching money? Ever used silver-infused bandaids for scrapes and scratches? Share those stories, or birthday wishes, in the comments!

I’ll be signing books at the Christmas in the Bay Craft Sale on November 28 from 10-3. If you’re not in Nova Scotia, don’t worry – you can still order Fuzzy ForensicsĀ for Christmas. With a purchase of 10 or more copies, you’ll get 25% off, no tax, free shipping, and personalized autographs. A perfect gift for all the kids, teachers, and librarians on your list. Contact me to order.

2 Comments on ‘Stuff Tech Support and I Talk About’

  1. Silly stuck drawer resulting in an interesting blog post though. I use disinfected copper coins to stop nose bleeds. Rather than licking old silver coins, I use my old silver cutlery when sick, but be careful with excessively licking silver or you get blue skin. Perhaps that’s why aristocrats were called blue-blooded, because some got a blueish taint after having eaten for years from fine silver cutlery. For scrapes and scratches though I rather use honey or oil of oregano. Wishing you a speedy recovery and happy birthday to your Tech Support.

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    1. Interesting! I’d never thought of that explanation for “blue blood!” I suddenly feel the need to google some more.

      I did know that honey has a long history as an antibiotic – it’s the only natural food that does not spoil, despite sometimes carrying botulism spores.

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