The Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

March 24, 2014

Although there were several days when death, or at least, unconsciousness, seemed like a much better alternative than continuing to experience the virus from Hades. This was me for the last two weeks:

Image courtesy of Nico Traut/Shutterstock

Image courtesy of Nico Traut/Shutterstock

only I was considerably less attractive, due to all the hacking and gagging. Not to mention the nose so brightly swollen it could guide the sleigh of a certain arctic gentleman.

I’m still not 100%, but I’m at least well enough to crawl out from beneath my cat-shaped comforter and attempt to get a few things done. One of which is to visit my sadly neglected blog and all my awesome internet friends.

So how is everyone else doing? Are you surviving cold and flu season? What’s your favourite virus remedy? Please share, because I clearly need to up my game.


2 Comments on ‘The Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated’

  1. Good to hear that you’re on the way up health-wise Lindsey! Couldn’t have been a whole lot of fun, but best thing about getting sick is getting better so that you appreciate health so much more when it returns! I’ve managed to pretty much miss anything nasty again this winter – had a couple of days of not feeling great and not running as a result, but that’s about it. I don’t get flu shot and never have. It’s going to be interesting to see if living here is different from the isolation (relatively) of the NWT; however, up there I used to be in the schools (all grades) for 2 weeks each winter, whereas here I’ve not set foot in a school. If you’re gonna get something – schools are a good place to go looking! Hope you continue to improve – happy sunny days are ahead 🙂

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    1. There’s a definite link between frequency of sickness and work at a university. The year we had it worst, I was in grad school, and Tech Support was working at the University of Alberta hospital. We didn’t have a chance…

      Waiting for the feeling better part to fully kick in. Getting there.

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