Posts about where do you get your ideas

Cover of Bird Brain by Joanne Levy

Joanne Levy – How Bird Poop Inspired a Book

One of the most common questions I get from young readers is, “Where do you get your ideas?” If you’re an author reading this, I’m sure you’re nodding along—it’s very common. I take this question to mean that the person ... Read More  

Cover of What if Soldiers Fought with Pillows by Heather Camlot

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Heather Camlot

“Where do your ideas come from?” That’s the question I get asked most from children and adults alike. The simplest answer is, from my life. Don’t misunderstand, I don’t have a wild and crazy life full of intrigue and adventure. ... Read More  

Giants in the Canyons: Where Nonfiction Writers Get Their Ideas

The human brain is really good at filtering out extraneous information. It's a survival instinct meant to focus our attention on things essential to life (ripe cherries!) and things that might kill us (bears!). Grappling with these big picture ... Read More  

The Idea Store: Sources of Inspiration for Children’s Writers

When asked where we get our ideas, writers often joke "The idea store." In an age where we can type "writing prompts" into Google and return literally thousands of starting points for our next masterpieces, it's actually not that ... Read More