Posts about Jean Mills

Middle grade novel, After the Wallpaper Music, by Jean Mills

Jean Mills: The “Before” that Sparked After the Wallpaper Music

Like most authors, I use the world around me - especially my own world of experience – to create stories for young readers. So it’s not hard to identify the spark that ignited my latest Middle Grade novel, After ... Read More  

Bliss Adair and the First Rule of Knitting by Jean Mills

Jean Mills: A Yarn About Yarn – And More

I don’t know about other writers, but every story I write has a connection to something in my own life and experience. Music, sports, the Nova Scotia shore and, in Bliss Adair and the First Rule of Knitting – ... Read More  

The Legend by Jean Mills

Jean Mills: When “Research” Means Mining Your Own Experience

“Write what you know.” Who said that? I’m not sure, but it’s a phrase – an instruction, really – thrown around as a guideline for writers. It suggests you should draw on what you know, mine your own life experience, ... Read More  

shoreline by Jean Mills

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Jean Mills

Warning, readers: I’m not a science writer. But like any scientist, I do incorporate research findings (of a sort) into my stories. Here’s one example that’s especially true of my most recent YA novel, Larkin on the Shore. When stories ... Read More