Posts about book tour

Lindsey and a junior book lover during Children's Book Week

Blissed Out from Book Week

Well, that was a whirlwind! Experienced authors warned us newbies that Canadian Children's Book Week was both incredible and exhausting, and they were... not wrong. I crashed pretty hard after my last visit Friday afternoon and am just now starting ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Fuzzy Forensics has Arrived in Lethbridge!

The book tour continues, with two events left to go. Both of these are on Tuesday August 19: Signing – Chapters Lethbridge – 1-4 pm Writing Workshop (adults) – Lethbridge Public Library – 7-8:30 pm Thanks to the Lethbridge ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

Report from the Road

The Fuzzy Forensics book tour is going really well so far! I will have more pictures and stories to share once I’m home and have a chance to breath, but for now, you can watch me extract DNA on ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics book tour dates

Fuzzy Forensics Blasts Off in Ten, Nine, Eight…

I’m about to leave on tour, so the blog with be a bit quiet for the next week or so. I’m hoping to share some photos from the road while I’m away, however – stay tuned for (sporadic) updates! ... Read More  

Fuzzy Forensics book tour dates

All My Friends Are On The Road Again

The Fuzzy Forensics book tour launches is less than a week and I’m up to my eyeballs in last-minute details, so today’s post will be a brief tribute to a friend of mine who’s also touring Canada this summer, ... Read More