Lana Button: Making Memories with My Grammie’s House

September 6, 2024

My Grammie's House, a picture book by Lana ButtonWelcome to Cantastic Authorpalooza, featuring posts by and about great Canadian children’s book creators! Today’s guest: Lana Button. Take it away, Lana!

My new picture book is best served with Sprite in a fancy glass and my Grammie’s scotch cake cookies. So set your oven to 325F and mix:

  • 1 pound of soft butter
  • 1 ½ cups of packed brown sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 4 cups of flour
  1. Mix (best with your hands – like my Grammie used to)
  2. Roll into balls, and put a piece of cherry in the middle
  3. Bake for 20-25 minutes!

My Grammie’s House (Tundra) beautifully illustrated by Skye Ali, was inspired by the best kinds of childhood memories- the ones that bring back a sense of comfort and contentment. The child in the story gives a tour to potential home buyers, highlighting the best features of a house for sale. They point out the special nooks and crannies of a well-loved home still alive with memories.

I spent a lot of time in my Grammie Yardley’s house. When I think of her I remember how fun a sliding kitchen floor can be, how beautiful the sound of a slamming screen door can be, how content you can feel watching cookies being rolled into balls.

When I visited Grammie Higgins’s house, she served me Sprite in a fancy glass. My mum would tell her not to fuss, but my Grammie would insist. I remember thinking, ‘My Grammie must think I’m pretty special and important, to be handing me this glass.”

I hope My Grammie’s House fills the reader with a sense of love and contentment. I hope the story inspires the audience to look for the treasures in the nooks and crannies of their world. And I hope it evokes some wonderful memories that can be passed on, like a family recipe.

Author Lana ButtonLana Button is the award-winning author of more than a dozen books for children, which have been translated into 5 different languages, and have received the Crystal Kite Award, the Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Award and the IBBY Outstanding Book for Young Children. Her books have been highlighted in The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Lana has presented her stories and positive message on inclusion, empathy and resiliency to thousands of kids at festivals, schools and libraries across North America. Connect with Lana on Instagram @lanabuttonauthor and at

8 Comments on ‘Lana Button: Making Memories with My Grammie’s House’

  1. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my new book on this fantastic blog, Lindsey! I look forward to hearing from others about their favourite grandparent memories.

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    1. I used to love poking through my Grandma’s jewelry box, which included costume pieces from her mother that she let me play dress-up with. She also had a little library of children’s books left over from my mom and aunt and uncles – some of which are favourites to this day!

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      1. Oh, wow, me too!!! I loved my grammie’s jewellery box that had hinges that opened up with three layers of velvety containers.I still have a big clunky bracelet from there- I should wear it to my launch on Sunday!

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  2. As a child of immigrants, I only saw my grandparents once or twice when they visited from Europe. I so envied my friends’ grandparents. Now I get to be the Omi who helps make special memories for my nine grandchildren. I’m loving it.

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    1. We lived far away from my grandparents, too, Sylvia – though not so far as Europe. I’m so glad you have the opportunity to enjoy being an Omi!

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  3. Now that I am a grandmother I see the little rituals that my grandchildren perform when they come to visit. One looks to see if the stone squirrell is still in the garden, while another inspects the shed for signs of the racoon that once broke inside. My grandaughter checks the colours of my lipsticks to see what’s new and my bookcases are inspected by all four of them to see what I have bought. Any book they like gets to go home with them! Everyone looks in the fridge and wants to know what is in the snack cupboard which can only be reached by a ladder! This story has all the making of a treasured tale. The ilustrator has captured the character perfectly!

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    1. Ooh, I want to know what’s in that snack cupboard, too!

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  4. My three grandsons also love to visit our home. They know all the nooks and crannies, and secret hiding places – and where all the treats are located!
    They are very familiar with our house and love to poke around among our stuff, do art with me and sometimes play a board game. Whatever we do, it’s always a whole lot of fun – I know this time will zip by quickly but no doubt we’re making many happy memories.

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