We are the caretakers of a very unusual bequest – the Tech Support family rhubarb plant. The original was planted over a hundred years ago, and cuttings have followed his family all over the United States and Canada. Our particular bush was started from a cutting Tech Support’s dad sent us through regular mail. Seven days in a dark box later, we stuck it in the ground and walked away. It’s the lowest maintenance, hardest to kill plant we’ve ever owned.
It is also delicious, and since it’s taking over my flowerbed once again, it’s time for a crumble intervention.
This is my gluten-free, dairy-free, cane-sugar free recipe for rhubarb crumble. It’s easily adaptable for other fruits – just cut back on the sugar. Enjoy!
½ cup butter
½ cup white rice flour
½ cup millet flour
½ cup buckwheat flour
1 ½ cup rolled oats
2 cups coconut sugar, divided
5 cups rhubarb
1 cup water
2 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla
1) Melt butter in medium saucepan. Stir in flour, rolled oats, and 1 cup sugar. Press half into ungreased 9 x 9 pan.
2) Arrange fruit on top.
3) Mix remaining 1 cup sugar, cornstarch, vanilla, water, and microwave on high 1 ½ minutes or until thick. Pour over fruit and top with remaining crumbs.
4) Bake at 350F for ~45 minutes until brown and bubbly.
Mmmmmmm! My grandfather grew rhubarb, and it’s one of my favorite treats. Thanks for the reminder—I must plant some in my new yard.
Enjoy your crumble!
It was delicious, thank you! Definitely plant some. I’ve never understood how grocery stores get away with charging such ridiculous prices for a plant that grows like a weed in your backyard.