Summer Siesta

June 2, 2016

Not actually me, but pretty much how I feel. Image courtesy of Nico Traut/Shutterstock

Not actually me, but pretty much how I feel.
Image courtesy of Nico Traut/Shutterstock

You know that level of exhaustion where you walk into a room, stand there for five minutes, and realize you don’t know why you’re there? Where it takes three times as long as normal to make earth-shaking decisions like “Do I want black tea or green tea this morning?” Where the idea of trying to concentrate on a cognitive task is so overwhelming, you just want to cry?

Yeah… That’s me. I haven’t been this tired since grad school. And when literally all of the work I do depends on my over-extended brain, that’s a problem.

This month, I’m taking some pretty extreme steps to refill my mental, emotional, and spiritual batteries. I’m dropping volunteer commitments and rethinking the kinds of paid work I agree to do. And I’m stepping back from the internet, too, which means the blog will be on hiatus until July, at which time I hope to be a much happier and better-slept example of the human race.

If you want to stay in touch, find me on Facebook or Twitter. Until July, my friends. May you also have a restful and relaxing month!


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