Posts about STEM

A monarch butterfly feeding on a red zinnia.

Frieda Wishinsky: How a Zinnia Sparked a Book

I’ve always been fascinated by the story behind a book.  What sparks an idea or theme? My latest picture book, A Flower is a Friend with luminous art by Karen Patkau, published by Pajama Press, began with a packet of ... Read More  

Becoming Bionic, by Heather Camlot, illustrated by Victor Wong

Heather Camlot: Truth, Justice, and the Nonfiction Way

How does an author known for books about history, social justice and sports write a book about science and superheroes?  By calling up her past. I never studied science, and I’m certainly not a superhero (I don’t think), but as ... Read More  

A Flower is a Friend, by Frieda Wishinsky, illustrated by Karen Patkau

Karen Patkau: A Flower is a Friend

This book was a collaboration from the beginning. Ideas for words and images exchanged between friends. On a warm summer day, as Frieda and I relaxed in her beautiful garden, we noticed birds and insects whizzing and settling among the ... Read More  

Book Cover - Polar Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth by L.E. Carmichael

Award-winning Author Pens New Science Book for Kids on Polar Wildlife

Despite changing climate and savage conditions, animals in the polar regions can still thrive. Author L. E. Carmichael’s 23rd children’s science book takes a fascinating look at how they manage it—and how young environmentalists can help. Read More  

One Tiny Bubble by Karen Krossing, illustrated by Dawn Lo

Karen Krossing: Sparking Connections With One Tiny Bubble

I’m not a scientist. I’m a science lover. I have been one since childhood. Back then, a special book on my shelf was a science textbook that my father co-wrote. I couldn’t understand the big words or concepts then, but ... Read More  

Museum in the Classroom: The Pleistocene Extinction Teaching Kits

Did you have a dinosaur phase when you were a kid? I did. I was in the second grade, and I was obsessed. I pored over library books, memorizing five-syllable names and amazing the adults with my stockpile of ... Read More  

Making Seaker by Karen Autio

Karen Autio: A New Story Woven from the Threads of a Classic

All stories are connected, new ones woven from the threads of the old. —ROBIN WALL KIMMERER, Braiding Sweetgrass I used the epigraph above in Making Seaker, my latest book—a contemporary Middle Grade STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) novel. Making Seaker was ... Read More  

cover of The Boreal Forest by L. E. Carmichael

Red Cedar Nomination and a New Presentation!

The Boreal Forest has been nominated for a Red Cedar Award! The Red Cedars are British Columbia's children's choice awards, and I am SO EXCITED to know that kids across British Columbia will be reading my book this school ... Read More  

illustration of Marla Lesage in her role as nurse

STEMinism Sunday: Nurse and Children’s Writer, Marla Lesage

I like to say that I’m very lucky because I have two careers. I’m a registered nurse – currently working part-time – but I’m also an author/illustrator/artist. My debut picture book, Pirate Year Round, was published last May and ... Read More  

cover of The Boreal Forest by L. E. Carmichael

New Children’s Book Brings The Boreal Forest to Home-Bound Readers

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, one author’s book is giving young readers and their families a chance to see the world through fresh eyes.  L.E. Carmichael’s newest book, The Boreal Forest: A Year in the World’s Largest ... Read More