Posts about STEM books

A Planet is a Poem by Amanda West Lewis

Amanda West Lewis: On Not Being a Poet

For most of my life, I’ve actively avoided writing poetry. There are SO MANY bad poems in the world. But poetry has always been a huge part of my life. I studied calligraphy when I was young, eventually becoming a ... Read More  

Innovations in Health by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

STEMinism Sunday: STEM Books for Junior Scientists

I'm on the road right now, posting between adventures in Cape Breton (*waves from Nova Scotia*), so it's a quick one today - a list of lists of kids books about fabulous women in science. Head to your local ... Read More  

Ishta Mercurio

Cantastic Authorpalooza: Ishta Mercurio

I wrote the first draft of SMALL WORLD in 2011. When I tell people that, they always pause. I can see the gears working in their minds: am I THAT BAD at this writing thing? Read More