Posts about ages 8-12

Polar Presents: Official Activity Guide and Other Free Resources Around the Web

First things first! I'm doing a free Polar presentation with Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants today at 12:30 Eastern. Head over to their YouTube channel to watch. You can also catch the recording on demand. And remember ... Read More  

Book Cover - Polar Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth by L.E. Carmichael

Award-winning Author Pens New Science Book for Kids on Polar Wildlife

Despite changing climate and savage conditions, animals in the polar regions can still thrive. Author L. E. Carmichael’s 23rd children’s science book takes a fascinating look at how they manage it—and how young environmentalists can help. Read More  

cover of The Boreal Forest by L. E. Carmichael

New Children’s Book Brings The Boreal Forest to Home-Bound Readers

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, one author’s book is giving young readers and their families a chance to see the world through fresh eyes.  L.E. Carmichael’s newest book, The Boreal Forest: A Year in the World’s Largest ... Read More  

Tornado Alley - Free Short Story for Middle Grades by L.E. Carmichael

Tornado Alley – A Short Story for Middle Readers

Ann emptied her purse onto the bedspread and poked through the coins. Ninety-seven cents. A Barbie doll cost three dollars. She sighed. “I’ll never earn enough.” Tree branches scraped against the window, and Ann flinched, her pulse jumping. “It’s ... Read More