Posts in STEMinism Sunday

Innovations in Health by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

STEMinism Sunday: STEM Books for Junior Scientists

I'm on the road right now, posting between adventures in Cape Breton (*waves from Nova Scotia*), so it's a quick one today - a list of lists of kids books about fabulous women in science. Head to your local ... Read More  

ML Menten

STEMinism Sunday: Maud Leonora Menten

Have you ever heard of Maud Leonora Menten? I hadn't, until last week, when I read this fascinating post about her life and work. Read More  

Dr. Ellie Sattler

STEMinism Sunday: Dr. Ellie Sattler

Welcome to a new occasional series here on ye olde blog! As a former woman in science, I have a deep and enduring interest in the experiences and representation of women in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math). ... Read More