Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild

A wild elk and her calf, held behind the fences of a Canadian game ranch. Endangered parrots captured in the wild and sold as pets.  African elephants butchered for the ivory in their tusks. In Fuzzy Forensics: DNA Fingerprinting Gets Wild, you’ll discover how witnesses, conservation officers, veterinarians, and scientists join forces to solve countless crimes against wildlife, all around the world.

Explore real cases that take you from the crime scene to the laboratory to the courtroom. See how scientists use DNA fingerprints to identify endangered species, match wild parents with their babies, or trace an animal victim’s home country. Become a wildlife detective by tackling four crime-busting experiments.

Containing vivid images, interviews with experts, and tons of hair-raising facts, Fuzzy Forensics will convince you that the only difference between solving human crimes and wildlife ones is the fur.

Note: Fuzzy Forensics has gone out of print, but used copies may still be available online.


  Young detectives can share the adventure as a perplexing mystery is solved through science in this well researched and well written true story.  
— Paula Morrow, Ph.D. Head of Youth Services, Princeton Public Library, IL
  [My son] just turned his light on after I left to read "just one more page!" of Fuzzy Forensics.  
— Tara Fulton, Ph.D. and mother
  Carmichael manages to successfully couple two high-interest topics—forensics and wildlife—into one satisfying and original read for science lovers.  
— Erin Anderson, Booklist
  This unique title includes fascinating sidebars, clear visuals, answers to activities, a list of related books and web sites, a glossary, and index… a recommended book that would make an ideal introduction to DNA fingerprinting and wildlife forensics.  
— Helen Mason, Resource Links


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