Posts about Polar

Tech Support and crew attempt to pick the lock on a 60-year-old trunk

Good News for Grey Days

Autumn is creeping up on me. It's getting dark earlier and there are more cloudy days, neither of which my light-sensitive brain is very happy about. But as things get a little greyer, I've been gifted two enormous reasons ... Read More  

Rabbit eating pansies

News Updates and Summer Traditions

The hot weather seems to make people interested in cool reading: Polar has picked up three more award nominations!  Read More  

News Roundup – Earth Week Edition

Happy Earth Week, my friends! Tech Support and I celebrated Earth Day by doing our annual "stick it in the ground and hope for the best" spring planting in the back garden. So far, the neighborhood bunny - affectionately ... Read More  

Here Comes the Sun: Spring Equinox and Circadian Rhythm

Here Comes the Sun: Spring Equinox and Circadian Rhythm

Last weekend, many of us suffered through the tortuous ritual known as "springing ahead" - moving the clocks forward one hour to begin Daylight Savings Time. We hates it, precious. I live in the Northern Hemisphere, and I am very, very ... Read More  

Wolves for World Wildlife Day, March 3, 2023

Wolves for World Wildlife Day

All across the boreal forests of Canada, wolves look for the same things: clean water, safe dens, and places where deer or moose are plentiful. When wolves find everything they need in one area, they establish a territory, and ... Read More  

International Polar Bear Day - February 27 2023

23 Cool Facts About Polar Bears

It's International Polar Bear Day! Since it's 2023, I've rounded up 23 cool facts about these icons of the Arctic, including a surprising discovery I helped make during in my former life as a wildlife geneticist. Is your favourite ... Read More  

Cover of Polar: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth

Science Literacy Week! And The Cover of My New Book It’s So Pretty I Can’t Even!!

It's Science Literacy Week! And while I cannot even believe it's the middle of September already, I am always so excited when SLW rolls around. Because SLW is the week when we celebrate science, and what science is, and ... Read More