Posts about Karen Krossing

Monster vs. Boy by Karen Krossing

Karen Krossing: Addressing the Monster in the Closet

I’ve loved playing with words and making up stories ever since I was a child. Back then, I drank imaginary tea and served it to my imaginary guests. I pretended a goblin lived in my closet and a witch ... Read More  

One Tiny Bubble by Karen Krossing, illustrated by Dawn Lo

Karen Krossing: Sparking Connections With One Tiny Bubble

I’m not a scientist. I’m a science lover. I have been one since childhood. Back then, a special book on my shelf was a science textbook that my father co-wrote. I couldn’t understand the big words or concepts then, but ... Read More  

cover of Sour Cakes by Karen Krossing

Karen Krossing: Sparking Conversations About Emotions with Sour Cakes

As an author of novels for teens and kids, I’m used to being the sole creator of a book in partnership with a publishing team. When I wrote my first picture book, part of my journey was to understand ... Read More