The Scientific Method in the Real World by L.E. Carmichael - Front Cover

The Scientific Method in the Real World

Grade 4+
Released in 2013
Reading Level:

Explore the scientific method! This book uses real-world examples to bring the concept of the scientific method to life in an approachable way. Clearly-written text draws in readers with concrete examples involving familiar, everyday things. The book covers the history of and key figures in the understanding of the scientific method, including Aristotle, Galileo, Isaac Newton, and Charles Darwin. Major concepts covered include the four steps of the scientific method (observe, explain, experiment, share), forming a hypothesis, Ockham’s razor, theories, variables, controls, and bias. Full-color photos, a glossary, an index, sidebars, primary source documents, and other creative content enhance the book. It also includes prompts and activities that directly engage students in developing the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills promoted by the Common Core standards. This well-researched title has a credentialed content consultant and aligns with Common Core and state standards.


  Finely tuned to the needs and methods of a CCSS-based curriculum... The volume on the history and uses (in and outside the lab) of the scientific method are particularly valuable.  
— School Library Journal
  This series will be useful for a library or classroom wanting to increase their science collection...  
— Library Media Connection
